Lesser known features of Whatsapp


Lesser known features of Whatsapp



There are several WhatsApp features that we may rarely use. What are these features, see below:

1. Make messages disappear

This relatively new feature of WhatsApp allows you to activate the option to delete messages for certain conversations. If enabled, all these messages will disappear from the chat after seven days.

How to activate:

- Open WhatsApp and click the chat or chat you want to select

- Click the name of the contact or group

- Turn on 'Disappearing Messages' by clicking 'on'

2. Custom notifications for special chats

To distinguish incoming messages, you can set special notifications for each contact, you know. For example, family contacts, close friends, campus groups, work groups or others.

How to enable custom notifications are:

- for Android users click the menu icon while viewing chats

- select View Contact then click Custom Notification,

- check the box and then complete the setting.

For iPhone users, click on a contact's name while viewing a chat, then select Custom Tone.

3. Bookmark important messages

For those of you who feel you have an important message and are reluctant to look for it again after a later date, you can use this feature.

With the message marker feature you can see without having to look in the past. How to activate this WhatsApp secret feature is:

- Open WhatsApp and chat containing important messages

- Click and hold on one of the messages you want to bookmark

- Click the 'Star' option or the star icon

You can see the marked messages in the WhatsApp start menu by clicking the three dots at the top right and then selecting "starred messages" or starred messages.

4. Export conversations

For some people, saving messages may be important. With this feature, users can export those conversations.

The trick is:

- for Android users open chat or chat

- click Menu button

- click More and select Export Chat.

For iPhone users, you can directly view the chat, click the contact name at the top of the screen, then scroll to the bottom of the Contact Info page and select Export Chat.

5. Know the contacts who communicate most often

Not many know WhatsApp has this feature where you can see who your friends are in contact with the most

The way to activate this feature is:

- Open WhatsApp and select the settings menu

- Select data and storage

- Click Manage Storage

- Then look at the list of contacts that WhatsApp contacts with you most often

- to see more detailed statistics you can click on the contact

6. Saves HP quota or memory

Often when many groups suddenly our quota is drained and memory may be full. This can be due to sending photos or videos that are automatically downloaded on WhatsApp.

To overcome this, you can save with this WhatsApp feature. The method is as follows.

- open WhatsApp

- click the settings menu

- select Data and Storage

- in the "Media Auto-Download" option, set the respective download permissions

- click individual documents, then enable 'Never' or 'Wi-Fi'

7. Make the blue tick invisible

As is known, the blue tick is a sign that the message sent has been read. However, with this WhatsApp feature, you can make the sender of the message not know whether the message has been read or not.

The trick is:

- open the WhatsApp application

- click Account and select Privacy

- turn off 'Read Receipts' by swiping left


Good luck.